All times are in Server Time, which is Eastern Standard Time in the United States. Use the /time command while in chat to get the current server time.
Want your event here on the calendar? Email CrashWire at (remove the -x after crashwire - anti-spam measure).
Regular Events Info
Director Pro Tour
Genetic Anomalies' new weekly tournament format, run by KLAW, SilverMike, Nellie and Metal Knights. Players play in an attempt to participate in the Pro Finals, where they will face off against the reigning Directors of Europe and Asia.
Midnight Madness
Run by KLAW, Sick Boy and a few guest judges, the format is the most newbie friendly one in Chron X. Players utilize only uncommons and commons, which are easy to find. Sponsored by Genetic Anomalies.
Saturday Night Live
KLAW's way of torturing the Chron X community. Formats announced the night before, and focused on deck building under tough, or at least odd, restrictions. In addition to the normal prizes for winning, there is a loser's bracket and a creativity prize each week. Sponsored by KLAW (or someone he finds to foot the bill for him).